Hi, it's me. I started this blog almost a year ago. As a beginner, I dreamt started of creating a successful blogging career and a community of my own. These ambitions are true even today, but I have realized that blogging isn't my thing - at least right now. Usually, I don't have much to say and I constantly find myself being anxious about writing an article. This stress disrupts my creative flow of thoughts. Even though this decision is hard for me, I am now going to focus on my yt channel. Thank you for all the support. I enjoyed writing here while it lasted. I may get back to blogging when I have a story to tell. So, wait for me. Until that day, Hx. PS : I might end up writing a book, I feel like it suits my personality better. PPS : I might end up posting updates sometimes. Checkout my yt channel : shutuphitha
I'm a psychology student and one of the perks of being in a psychology class is being surrounded by inquisitive friends who aren't afraid to talk about abstract human emotions like anger, arousal and love. A few days into the quarantine, a friend and I were texting (social distancing check ) . She asked - What is love? This question lead to an intense two hour long dialogue in which our opinions on romantic love were exchanged. The following passage is inspired by our conversation that day. According to the all knowing reservoir of Google, love is 'an intense feeling of deep affection'. Just reading those words out loud makes me want to cringe hard. Somehow, I can understand familial love and affection towards friends. We've all been exposed to it in some form during our early years. But, romantic love? Is that an actual thing ? Or a treacherous scheme by the society to trap innocent people for procreation purposes....