Every 14th November, India celebrates Children's Day. This year, I stumbled a post on social media :
I’m sure that a lot of you must have read it somewhere, it’s a popular post.And many people agree to this statement.
I thought about this and I realised that so many adults desire to relive their childhood days. Yes, adulting is hard and yes, when you’re a child you’ve got no bills to pay.
As much as I cherish my time as a child, I would not trade my years of experience and growth and go back to being five.And for sure, I wouldn’t go through high school all over again.It is true that a child symbolises innocence, growth, curiosity and love. But aren't these qualities attainable even as an adult? Is it not possible to remain thirsty for knowledge and continue learning. In fact our experience can help us gain wisdom.James Arther Baldwin perfectly said,’ Experience, which destroys innocence also leads one back to it.’
So, let me know what you think of this. Would you go back to being a child?
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